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Winter Storm Standard Operating Procedures

Standard Operating Procedure for Winter Storms


It is the philosophy of Parks and Recreation to maximize access to programs, facilities, and services; without compromising safety for employees or guests. Colorado’s winter climate poses several types of severe weather situations that require many different solutions to maintain safe access to District facilities and assets. Therefore, this Standard Operating Procedure establishes general guidelines for making operating decisions pertaining to winter storms.

Revision History

Established: February 2023, authored by Parks and Recreation Director, Marcus Graves  

Persons Affected
  • Parks and Recreation Full-Time Staff
  • Recreation Center Part-Time Employees
  • Parks and Recreation Maintenance Staff
  • Woodmen Hills Metro District Board Members
  • Woodmen Hills Metro District Residents
  • Non-Residents, Registrants, Renters, and Appointments

Preparation for Forecasted Storms

Once a Winter Storm Warning is issued:
  • Snow removal equipment shall be inspected and fueled.
  • Snow removal supplies should be re-stocked and purchased if needed.
  • Essential employees should adjust schedules to accommodate snow removal duties.
  • Additional part-time staff should be notified to assist with snow removal.
  • The department leadership team should communicate and discuss possible cancellations, delays, and closures.
  • Communications: social media and websites should have public notice posted about the Winter Storm Warning.
  • Supervisors should start communicating with their staff about possible cancellations, delays, and closures. Establish a line of communication so staff is up to date on information.

Cancellations, Delays and Closures

The leadership team will monitor weather conditions and make decisions related to cancellations, delays, and closures based on the following factors. The safety of our staff, participants, and members will be the district’s top priority. Additionally, the ability to safely remove snow from parking lots and walkways. Woodmen Hills Metro District and District 49 closure/delay does not predict the closure of Parks and Recreation facilities (Recreation Center East, Recreation Center West, Parks, and Trail System).

Evening Snowstorm Guidelines

Program cancellation decision will be communicated no later than 10:00 pm the evening prior.
  • Cancel programming if snow is accumulating and snow is forecasted to continue through the night.
  • Cancel programming if the instructor doesn’t feel safe to travel to work.
Facility Delays decisions no later than midnight the evening prior.
  • Delay facility opening to 10:00 am if more than three inches of accumulation by midnight and snow is forecasted to continue through the night.
Facility Closure decision no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of a snowstorm.
  • Close RCE if there is significant accumulation and snow is forecasted to continue.
  • Close CCW if a weather emergency causes a power outage.

Operating Hours Snowstorm Guidelines

Program Cancellation
  • Cancel programming if snow accumulation is 5 inches or more and snow is forecasted to continue through the day.
  • Cancel programming if the instructor doesn’t feel safe to travel to work.
Facility Early Closure
  • Close RCE early if snow accumulations are more than seven inches and snow is forecasted to continue through the day.

Weekend & Holiday Snowstorm Guidelines

Program Cancellation decision no later than 10:00 pm the evening prior.
  • Cancel programming if snow is accumulating and snow is forecasted to continue through the night.
  •  Cancel programming if the instructor doesn’t feel safe to travel to work.
Facility Delays decision no later than midnight the evening prior.
  • Delay facility opening by two hours if more than three inches of accumulation by midnight and snow is forecasted to continue through the night.
Facility Closure decision no later than 8:00 a.m. on the morning of a snowstorm.
  • Close RCE if there is significant accumulation and snow is forecasted to continue.
  • Close CCW if a weather emergency causes a power outage.

Snow Removal Plans

Snow removal operations, depending upon the storm forecasts and as determined by the Parks and Recreation Leadership Team, shall commence the morning of a snowstorm, when approximately two inches of snow has accumulated. The district has 24 hours to remove snow from walkways and 48 hours to remove snow from trails.

Snow Removal Priorities

  1. District parking lots, including emergency vehicle zones. Equipment: F-250 with plow.
  2. Parks and Recreation facility walkways. Equipment: Gator with 4-foot plow, snow blowers, shovels, and ice melt.
  3. Parks and Recreation facility exterior emergency exits. Equipment: Shovels and ice melt.
  4. Meridian Ranch Boulevard sidewalks, both sides. Equipment: Gator with 4-foot plow, snow blowers, shovels, and ice melt.
  5. Parks trails and district trail corridors. Equipment: Gator with 6-foot plow, snow blowers, shovels, and ice melt.

 Closure Alerts and Notifications

  • Statusfy
  • Facebook
 Review and Amendment

This regulation shall be reviewed by the Director, Assistant Director, Maintenance Supervisor, and Office Manager, annually for accuracy and alignment with Parks and Recreation practice.

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